Set geometry and conditions for online running, read from file for MC (CA edition)
Sets the geometry and conditions for CA running. This has to be done after command line parameters are read in, because isOnline is set by the file being MC or data.
Possible cases:
1)isOnline = True
. Default for data. In this case the geometry and global tag are set to the trigger defaults, since they can't be read from metadata (RAW does not have this information).
flags.GeoModel.AtlasVersion = flags.Trigger.OnlineGeoTag
flags.IOVDb.GlobalTag = flags.Trigger.OnlineCondTag
2)isOnline = False
. This is the default case for MC. Geometry and global tag read from file metadata.
3)Running on MC with different geometry/conditions. Possible by setting GeoModel.AtlasVersion
and IOVDb.GlobalTag
at the command line, e.g. --filesInput=ITK/muPt100PU0/mc15_14TeV.900040.PG_singlemu_Pt100_etaFlatnp0_43.recon.RDO.e8185_s3856_r13824/RDO.29831688._000001.pool.root.1 --evtMax 5 GeoModel.AtlasVersion="ATLAS-R3S-2021-03-00-00" IOVDb.GlobalTag="CONDBR2-HLTP-2022-02"
4)Running on data with different geometry/conditions. Can either set isOnline=False
and follow 3) or set the OnlineGeoTag and OnlineCondTag: --filesInput=data22_13p6TeV.00431885.physics_EnhancedBias.merge.RAW._lb0545._SFO-15._0001.1 Trigger.triggerMenuSetup="Dev_pp_run3_v1" Trigger.doRuntimeNaviVal=True Trigger.OnlineGeoTag=ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01 Trigger.OnlineCondTag=CONDBR2-HLTP-2018-03
Importantly this allows us to use runHLT_standalone_newJO directly with ITk samples, as part of EFTRACK-7.
One thing I don't like is that if isOnline=True
then it ignores AtlasVersion
and GlobalTag
at the command line. I think this can only be avoided if we don't use isMC to set isOnline. But then we would have to set it at the command line for every job, which I also don't really like.