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TrigValidation: update LLP inputs for ART tests

Bertrand Martin Dit Latour requested to merge martindl/athena:R22_LLPinputs into 22.0


This MR is updating the Long Lived Particles input files used for trigger ART tests (the new RDOs were produced with a MC21a setup), as discussed in ATR-24481:

  • staus are now only used by test_trigID_tauLRT_staustau
  • selectrons are used by test_trigID_ellrt_staustau
  • smuons are used by test_trigID_mulrt_siSP_staustau and test_trigID_mulrt_staustau
  • a mix of selectron (250 events), smuon (250 events) and stau (500 events) is used by test_trig_mc_v1Dev_LLP_grid
  • for TrigInDetValidation tests, we use grid datasets as default input, and fall back to smaller files on cvmfs for local tests

Cheers, Bertrand

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