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Changed IDTIDE1 to use only offline trigger selection in Skimming

We are adopting a temporary hack to avoid the use of HLT_jet trigger items in the IDTIDE skimming as these have been found to cause problems, leading to empty Run 3 data files, as described in this ticket:

As a temporary fix to obtain Run 3 IDTIDE files during the on-going data-taking, the HLT_jet trigger based skimming has been replaced by a skimming based on offline jets.

The effective jet pT threshold of the skimming is now 400 GeV. We plan to revert back to the previous skimming including lower jet pT once the issues mentioned in the ticket are fixed.

The skimming selection is applied with AntiKt4EMPFlowJets as it is the primary offline jet container with supported calibration in Run 3.

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