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jFEX Type mismatch and ReadHandle names and isSaturated as a vector

Sergi Rodriguez Bosca requested to merge serodrig/athena:typeMismatch into 22.0

This MR is meant to solve three issues:

  • Type mismatch of iEta and iPhi (with gFexDataTowers) -> now globalEta and globalPhi
  • Change the names of the FEX Towers:
    • L1_jTowers -> L1_jFexDataTowers
    • L1_gTowers -> L1_gFexDataTowers
    • L1_eTowers -> L1_eFexDataTowers
  • Change for jFexDataTowers the isSaturated char variable to be a vector of chars (so when building the jTower it allows to get a 2Dvector [EM, HAD] )

JIRA: ATR-26355

Edited by Sergi Rodriguez Bosca

Merge request reports
