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Update JetAnalysisCommon

Merged Pierre Antoine Delsart requested to merge delsart/athena:testAB into master
All threads resolved!
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ they are replacing, so athena-style configuration can be used unchanged in Analy
This module is thus designed ONLY for AnalysisBase and to run EventLoop jobs.
IMPORTANT : this module is only designed so the jet configuration works. There's no guarantee it won't mess up
when used with other part of Athena configuration.
Internally, the athena-style configurations of algorithms are translated to AnaReentrantAlgorithmConfig or
AnaAlgorithmConfig. The configuration of AsgTools are translated to call to AnaAlgorithmConfig.addPrivateTool()
or AnaAlgorithmConfig.setPropertyFromString()
@@ -31,54 +34,18 @@ driver.submit( job, "out")
import logging
from types import SimpleNamespace, ModuleType
import ROOT
### configure logger module ----------------------------------------
logging.VERBOSE = logging.DEBUG - 1
logging.ALL = logging.DEBUG - 2
logging.addLevelName( logging.VERBOSE, 'VERBOSE' )
logging.addLevelName( logging.ALL, 'ALL' )
def _verbose(self, message, *args, **kws):
if self.isEnabledFor(logging.VERBOSE):
# Yes, logger takes its '*args' as 'args'.
self._log(logging.VERBOSE, message, args, **kws)
logging.Logger.verbose = _verbose
Logging = ModuleType("Logging")
Logging.logging = logging
class SystemOfUnits:
"""Recopied from AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits. Only energies for now """
# Energy [E]
megaelectronvolt = 1.
electronvolt = 1.e-6*megaelectronvolt
kiloelectronvolt = 1.e-3*megaelectronvolt
gigaelectronvolt = 1.e+3*megaelectronvolt
teraelectronvolt = 1.e+6*megaelectronvolt
petaelectronvolt = 1.e+9*megaelectronvolt
#joule = electronvolt/e_SI # joule = 6.24150 e+12 * MeV
# symbols
MeV = megaelectronvolt
eV = electronvolt
keV = kiloelectronvolt
GeV = gigaelectronvolt
TeV = teraelectronvolt
PeV = petaelectronvolt
# #*******************************************************************
# reset the base logging class : the one set by xAH breaks AthenaCommon.Logging
import logging
logging.setLoggerClass( logging.Logger )
# #*******************************************************************
def stringPropValue( value ):
"""Helper function producing a string property value"""
@@ -216,7 +183,9 @@ class Configured:
# any other type :
alg.setPropertyFromString(self.prefixed(k) , stringPropValue( v ) )
def getType(self):
return self.type
def generateConfigured(classname, cppclass, prefix=""):
import cppyy
@@ -291,26 +260,25 @@ CompFactory.addNameSpaces( 'Analysis', 'Trk', 'Jet', 'Sim')
ComponentFactory = ModuleType("ComponentFactory")
ComponentFactory.CompFactory = CompFactory
ComponentFactory.isRun3Cfg = lambda : True
# replacements for ConfigFlags
ConfigFlags = SimpleNamespace(
Input = SimpleNamespace(),
AllConfigFlags = ModuleType("AllConfigFlags")
AllConfigFlags.ConfigFlags= ConfigFlags
def setupFlags(inputFiles, ):
"""Setup the ConfigFlags according to the input files content.
This is required for some part of the Athena-style config to work.
ConfigFlags.Input.Files = inputFiles
f = ROOT.TFile(ConfigFlags.Input.Files[0])
tree = f.CollectionTree
ConfigFlags.Input.Collections = [br.GetName() for br in tree.GetListOfBranches() if '.' not in br.GetName()]
# def setupFlags(inputFiles, ):
# """Setup the ConfigFlags according to the input files content.
# This is required for some part of the Athena-style config to work.
# """
# ConfigFlags.Input.Files = inputFiles
# f = ROOT.TFile(ConfigFlags.Input.Files[0])
# tree = f.CollectionTree
# ConfigFlags.Input.Collections = [br.GetName() for br in tree.GetListOfBranches() if '.' not in br.GetName()]
return ConfigFlags
# # terrible hack to have truth jets working :
# ConfigFlags.Input.TypedCollections = []
# if "GEN_EVENT" in ConfigFlags.Input.Collections:
# ConfigFlags.Input.TypedCollections = ["McEventCollection#GEN_EVENT"]
# return ConfigFlags
@@ -355,7 +323,6 @@ ComponentAccumulator.ComponentAccumulator = ComponentAccumulatorMockUp
def addManyAlgs(job, algList):
@@ -372,19 +339,23 @@ ROOT.EL.Job.addManyAlgs = addManyAlgs
# to what we have defined in this module
import sys
JetAnalysisCommon = sys.modules[__name__]
sys.modules['AthenaCommon'] = JetAnalysisCommon
sys.modules['AthenaCommon.Logging'] = JetAnalysisCommon.Logging
sys.modules['AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits'] = JetAnalysisCommon.SystemOfUnits
sys.modules['AthenaConfiguration'] = JetAnalysisCommon
import AthenaConfiguration, AthenaCommon
sys.modules['AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory'] = JetAnalysisCommon.ComponentFactory
sys.modules['AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator'] = JetAnalysisCommon.ComponentAccumulator
sys.modules['AthenaCommon.CFElements'] = JetAnalysisCommon.CFElements
sys.modules['AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags'] = JetAnalysisCommon.AllConfigFlags
def mock_JetRecTools():
"""Allows to ignore JetRecTools in case this package is not checked out on top of AnalysisBase"""
sys.modules['JetRecTools'] = ModuleType('JetRecTools')
sys.modules['JetRecTools.JetRecToolsConfig'] = ModuleType('JetRecToolsConfig')
# hack specific to jets
# hacks specific to jets
import JetRecConfig.JetRecConfig as JetRecConfig
# In Athena the jet config relies on the automatic scheduling of algorithms
@@ -407,6 +378,8 @@ def JetRecCfg_reorder(jetdef, configFlags, returnFinalJetDef=False):
# ************
# reorder EventDensity and PseudoJetAlg
if not hasattr(ROOT, 'EventDensityAthAlg'):
return res
evtDensityAlgs = [ (i,alg) for (i,alg) in enumerate(algs) if alg._cppclass == ROOT.EventDensityAthAlg ]
pjAlgs = [ (i,alg) for (i,alg) in enumerate(algs) if alg._cppclass == ROOT.PseudoJetAlgorithm ]
pairsToswap = []