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R22 PU-Tagging Pre-Recs

Michael Holzbock requested to merge miholzbo/athena:dev-R22-JvtPreRecs into master

This MR implements the pre-recommendations for jet pile-up tagging (which is now based on NNJvt instead of Jvt) in terms of "dummy" SFs of 1 +/- 10%. These are added to the code directly (instead of uploaded a file with dummy SFs to the calib area) and will be removed when proper SFs have been derived. In addition, METMaker is also migrated to use NNJvt instead of Jvt.

The JetJvtEfficiency tool has been somewhat redesigned to unify the usage for the various jet pile-up tagging algorithms. For example so far the tool was only capable to apply cuts for Jvt while it supplied SFs for both Jvt and fJvt. This is now unified and this tool is meant to be the central interface for users to apply the PU rejection criteria and retrieve SFs. For this a new enum was introduced to steer in which "mode", aka for which tagger the tool should be set up. The current supported taggers are NNJvt & fJvt while Jvt is still available although a warning will be raised that this is deprecated (support for an old, experimental tagger called MVfJvt has been dropped). As NNJvt has to be recalculated due to it's dependence on the jet pT (which might be differ if the jet calibrations on derivation level differ with the ones used further downstream) a new function was added to IJetJvtEfficiency which should be called by the user before applying evaluating the NNJvt requirement.

In the METMaker side some functionalities (configurable muon overlap parameters, configurable eta thresholds, several MET WPs) that are present in 21.2 but not yet in master have been added. In addition, the MET WPs have been also migrated to use NNJvt instead of Jvt where it was possible. The default WP is now Tight instead of Loose. For debugging purposes a fallback option to Jvt is also available (but updating the requirements on Jvt to the values used in the latest R21 recommendations). The default "forward" threshold for jets was moved from |eta| = 2.4 to 2.5 to account for the eta range covered by NNJvt. An option to re-calculate NNJvt is added but defaults to false to allow avoiding potential overhead.

Tagging @maklein, @khoo, @mswiatlo and @schaarsc as MET/PU-Tagging & software experts. Tagging @hpacey, @aoneill & @jjwilkin as for the MET/PU-Tagging subgroup.

Edited by Michael Holzbock

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