Reconciling LLP1 CA differences: electron/muon ID+Iso
Updates to the LLP1 CA config and supporting setup to reconcile differences with the legacy config.
- The electron ID config is in the LLP1config for now as the egamma config doesn't support setting the conf file. This can be updated once a central LLP ID is finished.
- Re-adding LRT support to the muon config
- There are a couple isolation variables that are now present in the CA config and not the legacy setup. I attribute this to some part of the new isolation tool setup. Otherwise I see the same aux content with both configs. There are also some new variables in PHYS IsoCloseByCorr*, but I haven't added those here. They should be understood separately along with any other changes to PHYS that weren't propagated to LLP1
- Fix typos in EGamma and Muons object_type -> object_types (avoids recomputing photon track iso)
Edited by Jonathan Long