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Draft: JetMonitoring - for express stream jobs, check a trigger chain passes before monitoring it.

Closed Peter Sherwood requested to merge peter/athena:master-26561 into master
2 unresolved threads
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  • JetMonitoringAlg.h
        add a flag to mark whether the code is being run as an express stream job
        set the expressStream job flag in JetMonitoringAlg
        declare the epressStream job flag property
        in initialize(), test whether the trigger chain name is set if the
            express stream job is set.
        in fillHistograms, return if the expressStream flag is set, but the trigger chain doe not pass
        in l1JetMonitoringConfig(), test whether the jetcoll is a list of length
        one. If so set jetcoll to be the sole list entry. This was added after
        seeing that the jetcoll was being passed a list, rarther than a string
        in  jetChainMonitoringConfig() add the transfer inputFlags.Common.doExpressProcessing
            to the JetMonAlgSpec dictionary