Manual Sweep from 21.0 to 22.0: Run3 developments for FCS Muon Punch Through
Original changes from @thcarter in !54822 (merged) and from @thcarter and @mumohdso in !58060 (merged). Plus some minor syntax and configuration clean-up and syncrhonising with clean-up already applied in master.
Contains all the developments for the Run3 developments and improvements made to the FastCaloSim Muon Punch Through tools for AF3. Contains the following:
- PunchThroughClassifier. Calibrated classifier used to predict if an event should result in a punch through.
- Punch through tool redesign and simplification
- New parameterization of punch through kinematics using PCA.
- Expands the number of punch through particle types to 9.
Validated using single pions. Gives significant improvement in modelling of ghost-associated muon segments (see plot).