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Fix FPEs in ITK tracking components

Paul Gessinger requested to merge pagessin/athena:fpe-fixes-itk into master

This is related to !57793 (merged) / ATLASRECTS-7341, and tries to fix some of the FPEs observed there.

An additional FPR from !57793 (merged) comes from within ACTS code and has to be fixed there (ACTS PR)

The change to the GX2F actually seems related to ATLSWUPGR-159. That ticket is about this bit of code, which calculates some form of correction to the strip clusters, and sometimes produces 0 errors. In this case, it already threw an explicit error.

There's another implementation of (I believe) the exact same correction here.

This does not check for 0 errors, and then unconditionally does

newpull1 = std::abs(newres1 / newerror[0]);

which throws an FPE. I'm trying to catch that case in this PR now, but also print a WARNING. Solving ATLSWUPGR-159 would probably also solve the WARNING at a more fundamental level.

/cc @nstyles @wlampl @tstreble @lgagnon

Edited by Paul Gessinger

Merge request reports
