ATLASRECTS-7362 : Fix TrkEventAthenaPoolTest
ATLASRECTS-7362 : Fix TrkEventAthenaPoolTest
Being too over-eager to also provide bool operator for FitQuality (not just FitQualityOnSurface)
changes the semantics of what the Dumper prints. It assumed it got a nullptr so was printing null
rather that a default
set Fitquality
Let's remove it from the FitQuality and leave that as was. The FitQualityOnSurface can have it , and this is where I kind of used it for when moving away from ptr
ping @ssnyder , @fwinkl, @nstyles .
So for these should not need any reference changes. I know locally that TrkEventAthenaPoolTest now pass.
I see also TrackParticleAthenaPool_TrackParticleTPCnv_16.6.3_ctest ... Passed 112.47 sec
after this change
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 30
Label Time Summary:
TrackParticleAthenaPool = 298.60 sec*proc (3 tests)
TrkEventAthenaPool = 613.48 sec*proc (6 tests)
TrkEventTPCnv = 10.11 sec*proc (15 tests)
TrkExTools = 0.20 sec*proc (2 tests)
TrkTrackSummaryTool = 2.10 sec*proc (1 test)
TrkVKalVrtFitter = 19.13 sec*proc (1 test)
TrkVertexFitters = 34.95 sec*proc (2 tests)
Edited by Christos Anastopoulos