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[TrigT1ResultByteStream] Allow legacy L1Topo RoIB readout to be missing in offline reco by default

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:l1topo-maybe-missing into 22.0

Following recent issues with legacy L1Topo readout, stop requiring its RoIB readout data to be always present in offline reconstruction. It is done by adding the corresponding ROB IDs in the MaybeMissingROBs property of the L1TriggerByteStreamDecoderAlg. This fixes ATR-26642.

Previously the setting was default only for Run 2 data in both HLT and offline reco. Now it is default for Run 2 data in HLT and for any period in offline reco. The data are still required by default in HLT for Run 3. Changing this would require a decision from the Trigger Coordination Group. The behaviour can be explicitly altered at P1 with a dedicated SMK as done earlier this week.

Merge request reports
