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Remove use of deprecated use_tracking_geometry_cond_alg in AtlasExtrapolationEngine

The MR fixes ATLASVPONE-617.

When instancing the AlasExtrapolationEngine in master, Athena crashes complaining about use_tracking_geometry_cond_alg variable not being defined:

Shortened traceback (most recent user call last):
  File "/home/rbianchi/code/test_master/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/jobOptions/VP1Algs/", line 410, in <module>
    ExtrapolationEngine = AtlasExtrapolationEngine(name='Extrapolation', nameprefix='Atlas', ToolOutputLevel=INFO)
  File "/home/rbianchi/code/test_master/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/python/TrkExEngine/", line 27, in __init__
    if TrackingCommon.use_tracking_geometry_cond_alg :

AttributeError: module 'InDetRecExample.TrackingCommon' has no attribute 'use_tracking_geometry_cond_alg'

This should be caused by the recent changes in TrackingCommon: ATLASRECTS-5600 (

Many packages have been updated to the new TrackingCommon already, for example with this commit:

The error that this commit addresses appears as a relic of old code. I have changed the Python file following what was done in the commit linked above.


This MR fixes the immediate use of VP1 in master.

Besides that, in the near future VP1 should be ported to the new CA configuration.

Also see:

Pinging @christos and @emoyse to check the change and for feedback

Edited by Riccardo Maria Bianchi

Merge request reports
