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modifying nsw segment quality criteria to discard segments with no or just one strip hit

Patrick Scholer requested to merge pscholer/athena:fixNSWSegmentSelection into 22.0

We found that MuGirl is producing many muons of bad quality that only have hist in the sTGC pad and/or wire layers of the NSW but no or a small number of strip layers (MMs or sTGC strips). Therefore this MR modifies the segment selection tool such that at least two strip hits are required otherwise the segment is discarded early on. Below you can find a plot showing the number of strips layers on a muon track reconstructed by MuGirl. The yellow bin indicates many muons without strip hits in the NSW. Those muons also do not have any hits in the other muon stations. image

This fix will most likely also (significantly) reduce the CPU time spend reconstructing MuGirl segments. This is only a very coarse tuning of the segment selection cuts. Further updates will come after a more detailed study.

This will for sure be frozen-tier0-violating

Tagging @jojungge @stavrop @iodice @rosati

Merge request reports
