Revert "Use default TRT active gas in geo model unless in simulation."
This reverts merge request !58578 (merged) , basically due to a mix-up of the two configs styles/
we will need one with the flags placed in the respective config styles ...
if not DetFlags.simulate.TRT_on():
trtDetectorTool.DoXenonArgonMixture = False
trtDetectorTool.DoKryptonMixture = False
for old in this file.
and the reverted code
from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import Project, ProductionStep
from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
if ConfigFlags.Common.Project is not Project.AthSimulation and ConfigFlags.Common.ProductionStep is not ProductionStep.Simulation:
trtDetectorTool.DoXenonArgonMixture = False
trtDetectorTool.DoKryptonMixture = False
Edited by Christos Anastopoulos