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Externals Updates, master branch (2022.11.29.)

Updated all projects to atlasexternals-2.0.144. The changes wrt. atlasexternals-2.0.143 are (atlasexternals@2.0.143...2.0.144):

  • Fixed the build of onnxruntime-1.11.1 with Clang 15 (thanks to @elmsheus, fixing ATLINFR-4680);
  • Eliminated the configuration warnings with CMake >=3.24 (fixing the warnings described in ATLINFR-4765).

Both updates are highly technical, and neither of them should need full-build. 🤞

I'm adding urgent to be able to switch to CMake 3.24.3 in the nightlies and the CI as quickly as possible.

Merge request reports
