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AnalysisTop: Change default JetJvtEfficiency algorithm to NNJvt and implement respective configs

This MR implements the new standard JVT WPs running on NNJvt into the AnalysisTop CPTools. The deprecated Jvt options are removed in accordance with this, and related JetMoments and Jvt-pass variables are updated.

On the MET side, a new AnalysisTop configuration option METJetSelectionWP is added to support the MetMaker JetSelection option.

Because fJVT is currently not finalised for R22 and the derivation collection MET_Track required for the R21 fJVT implementation is not available anymore, fJVT is temporarily disabled for usage until the implementation for R22 is clarified with Jet/Etmiss.

This MR addresses ANALYSISTO-1266.

Edited by Chris Scheulen

Merge request reports