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Switch muon CP algs to correct muon SFs for Run 3

Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge khoo/athena:master-MuonCPAlgs-Run3SF into master

The muon CP alg sequences always use the default (Run 2) SF calibration file.

This now switches to the preliminary SF set '220817_Preliminary_r22run3' from the MCP recommendations twiki, if isRun3Geo is true. To avoid needing to touch more code I did not at this time rename the flag to isRun3.

This does not solve the appearance of the following messages

CollectionContainer       ERROR   Could not find any SF period in CentralLowPt matching the run number 430648
CollectionContainer       ERROR   Could not find any SF period in CentralLowPt matching the run number 430542

when running.

Edited by Teng Jian Khoo

Merge request reports
