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introduce a first draft of a factory for analysis configuration blocks

Nils Erik Krumnack requested to merge krumnack/athena:config_factory into master

This file defines a factory method that can create a configuration block sequence based on a passed in name. This avoids having to import all the various config block sequence makers in the configuration code, and also would make it easier to create them from a text configuration file.

This relies heavily on the blocks exposing all configurable parameters as options, since there is no other mechanism to configure them through this interface.

The implementation itself is probably not the best possible, it lacks all extensibility, gathers all information in a single place, etc. Still for now this ought to be good enough.

Marking this as draft until !59013 (merged) gets merged, as this is designed on top of that.

Edited by Nils Erik Krumnack

Merge request reports