JetTrigger: Add algorithm to record event variables for small-R pflow jets
Store new container of event variables for jet trigger calibration
Record event variables for events testing small-R pflow jet chains by making use of the TLA TrigEventInfoRecorderAlgCfg
which creates a TriggerComposite container to store "NumPV" (number of primary vertices in a given vertex container), "JetDensityEMPFlow" (event density from an eventdensity shape container) and "AvgMu" (average mu from the online EventInfo).
These variables are recorded in order to properly derive an online jet calibration (ATR-26820) as well as for monitoring purposes.
- Jet trigger reco: Schedules a new algorithm that runs after small-R pflow jet reconstruction
- Jet Trigger EDM: Adds a new
type container to the EDM calledHLT_TCEventInfo_jet
. The decorations are 2 doubles, a float and an int. Increases size of trigger jet EDM by 0.07%
- Tested on full Dev menu (all slices enabled)
- Produced and analysed AOD to check new container output.
Edited by Claire Antel