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Remove override of ClusterSplitProbContainer for forward tracks if storeSeparateLargeD0Container

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble-master-patch-73743 into master

The legacy InDetRec_jobOptions config for forward tracks was overwriting the ClusterSplitProbContainer to use the collection produced in the LargeD0 pass, even when this was configured to be stored in a separate container. This was in contradiction with the LargeD0 configuration above

# Add tracks to standard track collection or a separate container?
if not InDetFlags.storeSeparateLargeD0Container():
    ClusterSplitProbContainer = ClusterSplitProbContainerLargeD0
    CombinedInDetClusterSplitProbContainer = ClusterSplitProbContainerLargeD0
    InputCombinedInDetTracks += [ InDetLargeD0TRTExtension.ForwardTrackCollection()]

which only configured this in case no separate container was setup. This was also inconsistent with other standalone passes, such as the disappearing tracklets.

No output change is observed for the AOD outputs in the q445 test. The ESD InDetAmbiguityProcessorSplitProbDisappearing content is updated, removing the entries corresponding to clusters from the LargeD0 pass, and bringing the ESD content in sync between the legacy and the CA config.

Merge request reports
