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fix broken TrigGlobalEfficiencyCorrection test + update data periods
Yesterday's update of MuonTriggerScaleFactors in !59742 (merged) changed the default version of the recommendations, leading to the failure of one of the TGEC build test in the latest set of nightlies.
ToolSvc.MuonTrigEff FATAL MuonTriggerScaleFactors::initialize cannot find directory with selected quality
This fixes the issue (by switching to the Medium WP instead of Tight).
In addition, the list of 2022 data-taking periods is completed (and a placeholder for 2023 added), and some utilities to manage the examples are removed from the repository (sync was lost in the R21->R22 migration, it seems).
FYI @jburr
closes ATR-26842
Edited by Julien Maurer