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Digi CA config for alternative MergeMcEvent

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:DigiNewMergeCA into master

Added CA configs for alternative MergeMcEvent modes. Also removes ExpectLowPtMinBiasBackgroundCollection and ExpectHighPtMinBiasBackgroundCollection for legacy config, as the arguments do not appear to exist any more.

Relevant for ATLSWUPGR-167

Unfortunately the NewMerge config does not run

StandardInTimeO...  ERROR WriteHandle already valid??
StandardInTimeO...  ERROR PileUpComps/src/PileUpToolsAlg.cxx:89 (StatusCode PileUpToolsAlg::execute()): code FAILURE: puToolHandle->prepareEvent(Gaudi::Hive::currentContext(), eventsToProcessByTool[&(*puToolHandle)])

but merging the config regardless to have it available for debugging.

FYI @jchapman

Edited by Thomas Strebler

Merge request reports
