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Add electron OR into SUSYTools

The ElectronLRTOverlapRemovalTool is added to SUSYTools. This MR very closely mirrors !59780 (merged) , with a change of lepton flavor. Tagging @labruce who wrote the muon MR and provided all of the scaffolding used here.

I used my added debug statements to verify that the tool is being called properly and removing electrons with overlapping clusters from the output merged collection

Notes on unit tests

Logs are available at


Passed after seting mu.LRTOR->false and ele.LRTOR->false in SUSYTools config.

log file: log_ctest.out

ttbar Run 2 derivation LLP unit test:

SUSYToolsTester mc20_13TeV_410470.root maxEvents=10 isData=0 isAtlfast=0 Debug=1 NoSyst=0 2>&1 | tee log

log files: log_mc20_noLRTOR.out, log_mc20_elLRTOR.out

mc20_13TeV_410470.root is a 5000 event DAOD from DerivationLLP from container: mc20_13TeV.410470.PhPy8EG_A14_ttbar_hdamp258p75_nonalhad.recon.AOD.e6337_s3681_r13145 Grid job to produce test DAOD:

ttbar Run 3 derivation LLP unit test:

SUSYToolsTester mc21a_13p6TeV_601229.root maxEvents=100 isData=0 isAtlfast=0 Debug=0 NoSyst=0 PRWFile=dev/PileupReweighting/mc16_13TeV/pileup_mc21a_dsid601229_FS.root ilumicalcFile=GoodRunsLists/data22_13p6TeV/20220922/ilumicalc_histograms_None_428648-430648_OflLumi-Run3-001.root

log files: log_mc21a_noLRTOR.out, log_mc21a_elLRTOR.out

mc21a_13p6TeV_601229 is a 5000 event DAOD from DerivationLLP from container: mc21_13p6TeV.601229.PhPy8EG_A14_ttbar_hdamp258p75_SingleLep.recon.AOD.e8453_s3873_r13829 Grid job to produce test DAOD:

Tagging @longjon, @ycao , @mrimoldi ,@salderwe , @cmerlass

Edited by Andrew Caldon Smith

Merge request reports
