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Use statically allocated 3x3 matrix

Amg::MatrixX cov(3,3) declares a matrix by dynamic allocation (i.e. new) but for matrices below 16 these should be declared on the stack (faster).

Fixes a reported temporary allocation from a heaptrack run:

91387 temporary allocations of 274161 allocations in total (33.33%) from
Eigen::internal::aligned_malloc(unsigned long)
  at /cvmfs/
  in /cvmfs/
void* Eigen::internal::conditional_aligned_malloc<>(unsigned long)
  at /cvmfs/
double* Eigen::internal::conditional_aligned_new_auto<>(unsigned long)
  at /cvmfs/
Eigen::DenseStorage<>::resize(long, long, long)
  at /cvmfs/
Eigen::PlainObjectBase<>::resize(long, long)
  at /cvmfs/
void Eigen::PlainObjectBase<>::_init2<>(long, long, Eigen::internal::enable_if<>::type*)
  at /cvmfs/
Eigen::Matrix<>::Matrix<>(int const&, int const&)
  at /cvmfs/ 
  at /build/atnight/localbuilds/nightlies/Athena/master/athena/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/src/SpacePoint.cxx:61

Probably worth trying to find more instances of this kind of thing, either by grep or by heaptrack.

Merge request reports
