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TrfTestsARTPlots: Add first version of ecube ART web plots in q449 test

This MR introduces a new setup of ART result plots in the q449 test:

  • Instead of dcube the 2 new python plotting scripts are used to summarise the information
  • extracts the checkxAOD informations of the AOD/DAOD_PHYS/LITE sizes and summarises them in pie and bar charts
  • creates physics validation style comparison plots from TH1F histogram files from the n/pt/eta/phi Analysis* containers
  • The PNG outputs are stored in the ecube/images directory and combined with a simple php/css index webpage

If all works as expected this can be easily extended to the other 5 ART tests in this package at a later stage.

Tagging @schaarsc, @jcatmore, @nstyles, @amete for info.

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