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[ATR-26159] Update auto configuration of trigger config flags

Tim Martin requested to merge tamartin/athena:triggerAutoConfig into master

Attempt to provide a sensible default source of trigger configuration data for all possible considered scenarios. Need to cover the running of the trigger, and the reconstruction of triggered data. MC vs data. And post-reco / analysis use cases.

Considered areas

  1. Reconstruction of data at P1 (no input file, partition streaming)
  2. Reconstruction of data offline, with a supplied menu JSONs override
  3. Reconstruction of data offline, Run 3
  4. Reconstruction of data offline, Runs 1 or 2
  5. (Re)Running the trigger on data
  6. Running the trigger on MC (also set for MC before for jobs which produce EVNT, HITS or RDO files - where the flag is not used)
  7. Running from a POOL file from after the trigger: RDO_TRIG and on for MC, ESD and on for data.
Edited by Tim Martin

Merge request reports
