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Fix projector for annulus surfaces

Tim Adye requested to merge adye/athena:adye-ckf5 into master
  • Fix projector for annulus surfaces. The CKF can now finds hits in the strip discs.
  • Add Acts::SurfaceBounds::BoundsType to ATLASSourceLink so we can select the projector based on the surface geometry.
  • typedef ATLASSourceLink::ElementsType to greatly simplify the use of the contained type.
  • Move UncalibratedMeasurementToSourceLink conversion from alg to tool, so we only need one ATLASConverterTool and can get rid of an extra copy.
  • Added some checks for duplicate ids in ActsATLASConverterTool::initialize. m_actsSurfaceMap changed from using a reference to a pointer. I had thought that a reference in a std::map was illegal (maybe just not assignable), but whether or not that's the case, a pointer is clearer.

Merge request reports
