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Track Overlay Workflow for Release 23

Fang-Ying Tsai requested to merge fatsai/athena:TracksContainer into master

These changes are aimed at making the track-overlay workflow compatible with R23. The changes include saving both the signal and overlay RDOs to the output RDO file for the ID subdetectors in the overlay step. The changes can be found in InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/XXXDigitization/python/ and InnerDetector/InDetRawAlgs/InDetOverlay/python/ (XXX=Pixel, SCT or TRT.)

Additionally, the modification in the ensures that the tracking runs on HS RDO for the Track-overlay workflow.

Track final collection name is changed to ExtendedLargeD0Tracks if the TRT extension is on in the InnerDetector/InDetConfig/python/

Finally, some code cleanup was done too, such as in Tracking/TrkConfig/python/

ping @wleight

Merge request reports
