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RoiDescriptor : "move" the THREAD_SAFE annotations rm the NO_CHECK

Ping @sutt

Lets see what the CI gives but was a bit confused on you having added both ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE and then also ATLAS_NO_CHECK_FILE_THREAD_SAFETY;

The only thing is that these annotation (for functions/variables) go at the end of the name .

So kept the ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE placed a bit to the "left" and removed ATLAS_NO_CHECK_FILE_THREAD_SAFETY; Seemed enough to get rid on the MT checker warning, but did not compile all clients (just this and a couple more) ..

Btw I did only superficially looked how the "trampoline" works as not 100% aware of the context. So this basically moves the annotations.

PS: How I reached this is because other code now "complains" that call to the unchecked RoiDescriptor ping @fwinkl see []...

PS 1: Btw and the code is not touched one could have named a ptr to a function with 0 arguments s_foo and have s_foo=foo_1 s_foo=foo_2 s_foo() what not .... But as I prb believe less on "private" than most did not touch more than the comment here.

Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

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