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New ART test for FTF with ITk using ttbar 200 pileup dataset, modified single muon FTF with ITk ART test

Elliot Watton requested to merge ewatton/athena:ARTtestsWithFTF into master

A new ART test is created using a ttbar 200 pileup RDO with ITk geometry. This test uses the TrigFastTrackFinder algorithm as a --postInclude option, just as was done in !60492 (merged). The single muon Run 4 ART test with FTF is changed to match more like that of the original, non-FTF version called Furthermore, this modified test uses 10 times more events than before (now using 10,000 events). The geometry tag used for these tests will be updated to the most recent once RDO is available.

Edited by Elliot Watton

Merge request reports