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B-physics trigger: add idperf version for bBmumux chains (ATR-26968)

Vladimir Lyubushkin requested to merge lyubushk/athena:master-bBmumux into master

Add the chain 'HLT_mu11_mu6_bBmumux_Bidperf_L1MU8VF_2MU5VF' to get the unbiased sample of the tracks reconstructed in the bBmumuX tracking algorithms.

I found the using 'idperf' to mark a new Bmumux topo would lead to the wrong muon legs (mu6, mu11) configuration. The chain is expected to build dimuon in the same way as HLT_mu11_mu6_bDimu_L1MU8VF_2MU5VF chain does, then it requests bBmumux tracking and stops without real B-candidate construction (i.e. we use here the initial dimuon object as an input for TrigBmumuxComboHypoTool)

CC @hartj @abarton

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