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updating mc23a profile for new luminosity calibration

Tommaso Lari requested to merge tlari/athena:mc23a_pileup_newlumi into master

The new luminosity calibration is 5% lower, resulting in a corresponding shift in the target mu distribution. This merge request updates the multiple and single beamspot profiles for mc23a in legacy and CA configuration.

I had to shift the profile for the three levelling periods by 7 instead of 5 units from mc21a, otherwise they exceed the value of the target distribution at high mu. I missed that in the first commit, fixed by the push at 12.17 pm. As before the post-level distribution is the different between the target distribution and the sum of those in the first three leveling periods.

Attaching also the plot with the profile


Edited by Tommaso Lari

Merge request reports
