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[AGENE-2156] gg4l CVMFS fix for libraries

Andrej Saibel requested to merge asaibel/athena:gg4l_fixLibrariesCVMFS_216 into 21.6

Dear all,

this is a fix for the gg4l library paths during runtime. Tested with the new gg4l testV2 folder on CVMFS and the Valencia/IFIC cluster without AFS access.

@ewelina I also changed the way the library function works. It is now more generalized and I think we can add this also to master.

With @dhayden , we discussed that there will be always only one library of each external in the build. Therefore, the function should always pick up the right library, no matter its version. However, if there is more than one library of the same external, the function will take the first match.

Kind regards,


Merge request reports
