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Adding muonRDOs for MM TP L1A path

Simone Francescato requested to merge sfrances/athena:master into master

Preparing RDO structure for MM Trigger Processor L1A data, now that MMTP L1A format is hopefully finalised.

All the debug information from the MMTP elink header is not included (assuming it will be part of the experts debug/monitoring chain).


  • NSW_MMTP_RawDataContainer is IdentifiableContainer<NSW_MMTP_RawDataCollection>
  • NSW_MMTP_RawDataCollection contains MMTP L1A header info (sector/source ID, L1ID, BCID, L1A request time, L1A opening time, L1A closing time) and DataVector<NSW_MMTP_RawDataHit> and DataVector<NSW_MMTP_RawDataSegment>
  • NSW_MMTP_RawDataHit has time, layer and channel for each hit
  • NSW_MMTP_RawDataSegment has time, ROI (R and phi info) and deltaTheta for each segment

Once this structure is approved I will merge the MMTP_ROD_Decoder in MuonCnv/MuonMM_CnvTools

@rowang @pscholer @jojungge @rosati @iodice

Merge request reports
