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Add alternative weight file to HIJetClusterSubtractorTool

Petr Balek requested to merge pbalek/athena:hi-fix-phi-mpi-pi2 into master

In case a weight retrieved from the weight file (cluster.geo....root) is zero, a message is now printed and division by zero is prevented. Previously, not-a-numbers started to propagate throughout HIEventShape objects. This was caused by different geometry in Run2 and Run3. The weight file assumed cluster positions as in Run2, but ATLAS-R3S-2021-03-01-00 provided positions as in Run3. In some unlucky cases, these positions did not exist in Run2 and the obtained weight was zero.

Added configuration to python to pick the correct file corresponding to the chosen geometry.

Also added ExtractCaloGeoConstants class and macro to extract the weights from a geometry tag in the future. This class is based on with small changes to run under component accumulator.

Resolves ATLHI-472

Also resolves OVERFLOWs and INVALIDs from ATLHI-469

tagging @stapiaar @angerami @mrybar

Edited by Petr Balek

Merge request reports
