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Add an algorithm testing the underlying so called Electron Eff Ttool (basically test what we use as ptr to impl directly).

The so called Ttool (more or less the main utility we use. This is not really a component tool) provides the underlying impl for the egamma SF.

We have test the higher levels aka the Asg tool (in the package) or the Asg tool usage via the analysis Algs. Which obviously also involve the systematic side and relevant interfaces.

But we did not have a test for just the underlying Ttool (again is not what we call these days tool ) directy.

Write a simple algoithm (dual) to allow this to be done and be done also inside Athena. We actually had some legacy JO from a legacy alg that is not there anymore i.e that one removed. The new ones are CA style.

Perhaps I did too much with handles and re-entrant but Ok is not the worse to be a bit proper since I did this from scratch (And is my 1st Ana dual re-entrant alg ...) . Prb should upgrade one of the Asg tool tests in some stage as seems there might be advantages of doing this.

As an aside since I use a lot Athena, really wanted to have a test like workflow of the basic implementation I could use there.

Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

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