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TrigJetMon: Fixing HLT_j45_ftf_preselj20_L1J15 bug, removing mointoring of empty HLT jet containers


  • Fixing HLT_j45_ftf_preselj20_L1J15 bug:
    • Wrong HLT jet collection was monitored, specifically the HLT jet collection created by MET chains, not calo ftf jet chains.
    • Should resolve puzzling observations documented in ATR-26447
  • Measuring all small-R jets with respect to (supported primary) AntiKt4EMPFlow jets.
    • In the case of HLT calo jets, were previously measuring pT response/difference w.r.t. AntiKt4EMPFlow jets but trigger turn-ons w.r.t. AntiKt4EMTopo jets. Now using AntiKt4EMPFlowJets everywhere for consistency.
  • Removing 3 HLT jet containers from our offline monitoring, which are always empty collections so producing empty distributions.


Only affects TIER0 (offline) HLT jet monitoring histograms.


Ran and verified histogram output

tagging @xingguo

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