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Create new ActsTrkEventCnv package, and copy ActsATLASConvertorTool there

This is my first attempt to improve the ACTS convertor.

As a first step, I don't think it belongs in ActsGeometry, so I made a new ActsTrkEventCnv package.

I also renamed some code - I don't think we should talk about "ATLAS tracks" etc, since:

  • ATLAS has several track types, so this is ill-defined
  • one day ACTS tracks should become default, and then they will be ATLAS tracks
  • Athena already has one "non-ATLAS" client (FASER) and it would be great if we had more.

So, I changed ATLAS to 'Trk' (in the end it's the Trk:: EDM we're converting)

I also renamed and cleaned up some methods to match ATLAS coding standards (i.e. don't capitalise the first letter of functions).

I added a new TrkToActsConvertorAlg, which doesn't do much yet but should one day convert TrackCollections into Acts::TrackContainers

Added a new test to run the above, and copied a RUN4 ESD to cvmfs to use for this test.

If this is agreed upon, then the next steps could be:

  • remove the old convertor and update clients
  • add a track conversion method to the tool
  • implement a closure test (convert to Acts tracks and back again, and compare the result)

cc @pagessin @tbold @asalzbur @ncalace

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