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Updating jFEX with P1 Configuration

Sergi Rodriguez Bosca requested to merge serodrig/athena:updateJFEX into master

This MR is meant to update the jFEX configuration accordingly with P1. Changes:

  • Not jet energy calibration applied for jJ items (Small-R jets)
  • No pileup subtraction applied
  • Noise thresholds are depending on the calorimeter region, (EMB, HEC and EMEC = 1GeV, FCAL = 0MeV and Tile = 500MeV)

Jet forward algorithm is updated to do the same if else statement as the firmware.

NOTE: There is one supercell (Offline ID: 906973184) masked in athena, but not in the real time path. Therefore as a tmp solution we hardcode it in the code.

Edited by Sergi Rodriguez Bosca

Merge request reports
