tauRec: deploy R23 MVA TES
This MR is deploying the retuned MVA Tau Energy Scale calibration for R23. The calibration is based on a gamma*(tau,tau) MC sample with flat mu 25-75 produced in ATLMCPROD-10424, which uses MC21a simulation, v7 conditions, ATLAS-R3S-2021-03-00-00, and 23.0.16 for digi/reco. The new tune slightly improves the energy resolution as well as the closure (the R22 calibration was derived without the topocluster timing cut, applying the cut in R23 changed the amount of out-of-time pileup clusters, which induced a non-closure of a few percent at low pt).
The calibration files are now on EOS.
The change is FT0V. Besides the change in the tau reconstruction, the MR will impact track and cell containers via the tau thinning (https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/blob/master/Reconstruction/tauRec/src/TauThinningAlg.cxx#L93, https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/blob/master/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/Root/TauAODSelector.cxx), maybe FlowElement links too.
Adding the urgent flag as it's needed for the R23 data and MC reprocessing.
Tagging @dta , @sineadf , @mhodgkin , @christos , @jferrand , @hgray , @jcatmore , @nstyles for information.
Cheers, Bertrand