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HLTJet Reco+EDM: Adding EnergyPerSamplingCaloBased


Scheduling the creation of and adding new dynamic Aux variable EnergyPerSamplingCaloBased for HLT_AntiKt4EMPFlowJets - both for HLT jets and TLA jets. EnergyPerSamplingCaloBased is the per layer calorimeter energy before cluster energy subtraction. Future GSC calibrations may be based on calo-based energy sampling definition. It is important that TLA jets store this in upcoming data taking and useful for HLT jets to test calo-based calibrations in recorded data/MC in future.


  • TMMT/HLT/Jet reco: Scheduling CaloEnergiesClus standard jet modifier for calculation of new variable.
  • TriggerEDMRun3/TriggerEDMAuxAccessors: Adding new vector of floats aux variable EnergyPerSamplingCaloBased for both HLT and TLA PFlow jets.


  • Checked RDO and AOD output from for new variable on HLT_AntiKt4EMPFlowJets_nojcalib_ftf and HLT_AntiKt4EMPFlowJets_subresjesgscIS_ftf_TLA. Compared EnergyPerSamplingCaloBased to EnergyPerSampling, values looked reasonable.

Follow ups

  • Todo: Need to add new variable to DAOD_JETM1 in follow up MR.

tagging @xingguo @mmontell @doglioni @mamerl

Merge request reports
