Draft: fixing warnings in TRUTH[0,1,3]
This attempts to fix two warnings in TRUTH[0,1,3]:
Derivation 22:37:32 Py:ComponentAccumulator WARNING addPublicTool: Overwriting primary component of this CA. Was EventDensityTool/DFCommonTruthCentralEDTool, now EventDensityTool/DFCommonTruthForwardEDTool
Derivation 22:37:32 Py:ComponentAccumulator WARNING addPublicTool: Overwriting primary component of this CA. Was EventDensityTool/DFCommonTruthForwardEDTool, now DerivationFramework::TruthEDDecorator/DFCommonTruthEDDecorator
caused by inappropriate use of the primary tool setting
Derivation 22:37:35 MCTruthCommonPr...WARNING Implicit circular data dependency detected for id ( 'xAOD::TruthParticleContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+TruthMuons' )
Derivation 22:37:35 MCTruthCommonPr...WARNING Implicit circular data dependency detected for id ( 'xAOD::TruthParticleContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+TruthElectrons’ )
This seems to be coming from: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/blob/master/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkMCTruth/DerivationFrameworkMCTruth/TruthDressingTool.h
but it isn't clear what the problem is. So far just tidied up the tool, but doesn't suppress the warning.