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Enable all signatures except jet and ID by default in HLT monitoring at T0

This is a spin-off from !54521 (closed) in order to enable automatic monitoring at T0 for most of the HLT signatures, while waiting for resolution to certain issues.
The exceptions are:
HLT jet which needs ATLASRECTS-7168 (ESD decorations are frozen-T0-violating)
HLT IDtrk which needs ATR-27005 (usage of correct CA flags)
HLT MET which needs resolution of ATR-27007 (unclear error in MC).

This is in response to APR-83 and targeting 23.0 since it is for run 3.

Attn: @jmaurer , @tadej , @tamartin , @sshaw , @khoo , @shanisch , @dzanzi , @cantel , @xingguo , @christos , @mhodgkin , @sutt , @hartj , @ponyisi

Edited by Elin Bergeaas Kuutmann

Merge request reports
