Cleanup code related to HepMC
- Removed
#ifdef HEPMC3
which included AtlasHEPMC headers. - Replaced one loop over outgoing particles with a canonical form
for (const auto& p : vtx)
- Use const reference where possible
Merge request reports
This merge request affects 8 packages:
- Generators/GeneratorModules
- InnerDetector/InDetValidation/InDetTrackClusterAssValidation
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonPRDTest
- PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/TruthD3PDMaker
- PhysicsAnalysis/TruthParticleID/McParticleTools
- PhysicsAnalysis/TruthParticleID/McParticleUtils
- Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasTests
- graphics/VP1/VP1Systems/VP1TrackSystems
Affected files list will not be printed in this case
Adding @goetz ,@jchapman ,@rosati ,@wleight ,@stavrop ,@gavrilen ,@sroe ,@jojungge ,@apsallid ,@pscholer ,@rbianchi as watchers
CI Result FAILURE (hash 68277da1)Athena externals cmake make tests Full details available on this CI monitor view. Check the JIRA CI status board for known problems
Athena: number of compilation errors 1, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7 68967]- Resolved by Andrii Verbytskyi
added review-user-action-required label and removed review-pending-level-1 label
This merge request affects 8 packages:
- Generators/GeneratorModules
- InnerDetector/InDetValidation/InDetTrackClusterAssValidation
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonPRDTest
- PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/TruthD3PDMaker
- PhysicsAnalysis/TruthParticleID/McParticleTools
- PhysicsAnalysis/TruthParticleID/McParticleUtils
- Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasTests
- graphics/VP1/VP1Systems/VP1TrackSystems
Affected files list will not be printed in this case
Adding @goetz ,@jchapman ,@rosati ,@wleight ,@stavrop ,@gavrilen ,@sroe ,@jojungge ,@apsallid ,@pscholer ,@rbianchi as watchers
added review-pending-level-1 label and removed review-user-action-required label
CI Result SUCCESS (hash a118ba0e)Athena externals cmake make tests Full details available on this CI monitor view. Check the JIRA CI status board for known problems
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7 68975]added review-user-action-required label and removed review-pending-level-1 label
removed review-user-action-required label
added review-pending-level-1 label
added review-approved label and removed review-pending-level-1 label
added review-approved-point1 label
added review-approved-tier0 label