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Update HIGG1D1 derivation for Upgrade

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:HIGG1_UpgrConfig into master

This MR aims at fixing the HIGG1D1 derivation to run on Upgrade samples where no trigger information is available yet. This updates in particular:

  • the SkimmingTool used in various derivation formats to be disabled when no trigger information is required
  • the SkipTriggerRequirement in the HIGG1D1 config to use flags.Reco.EnableTrigger

Among all the derivation formats using a SkimmingTool only HIGG1D1 has been migrated to CA so this the only config updated but other ones should follow a similar pattern in case they migrate in the future.

FYI @lderamo @ancuetog @clcheng

Merge request reports
