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Add dedicated efficiency pT histograms for Muon FS SA & CB Trigger chain steps
Changes muon offline efficiency monitoring for di-muon chains. In di-muon case, EffEFSA and EffEFCB histos now only represent RoI mode, with the addition of dedicated EffEFSAFS and EffEFCBFS for these steps in the Full Scan mode, which is only ran for di-muons. These do not appear for single muon chains. muPt histos are tested, however more work must be done to make muEta and muPhi histos correct, as these currently still only use the first reconstructed muon.
This is achieved with new links to FS muon containers in the MuonMatchTool, and additional histogram constructing steps in the TrigMuonEfficiencyMon and it's configuration.