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Use DataPool for TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv

In a heapTrack run of 100 ttbar events

one can see

 5 MOST CALLS TO ALLOCATION FUNCTIONS                                              
     6 21494650 calls to allocation functions with 7.66M peak consumption from         
     7 TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p3::persToTrans(InDetRawDataContainer_p3 const*, InDetRawDataContainer<>*, MsgStream&)
     8   at /build/atnight/localbuilds/nightlies/Athena/23.0/athena/InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/InDetEventAthenaPool/src/TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx:208
     9   in /cvmfs/

The idea here is to use a DataPool to avoid doing order of 200k small allocation per event

ping @ssnyder and @jchapman

Merge request reports
