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FTAG truth deco improvements, derivation cleanup

Samuel Van Stroud requested to merge (removed):23.0-truthDecoImprovements into 23.0


This MR modifies truth decoration for FTAG derivations. Previously only reconstructed objects were decorated, now truth particles are also decorated. The prefix ftagTruth* is used for all decorations (note this is a change for the previous electron decos ftag_truth* and track decos truth*.

As a bonus, some spring cleaning of the derivation python config is also added.

Previous Approach

Previously, truth decoration was applied directly to each reconstructed object we wanted to decorate (e.g. tracks, electrons). This required that the truth record was independently processed for each reco object.

New Approach

In the updated approach, the truth record is processed once, and truth particles are decorated directly (e.g. with their truthOriginLabel etc). This information is then read and re-used when decorating reconstructed objects. Aside from being cleaner, this allows electrons & tracks to be assigned to common vertices. Another advantage is that we can access the detailed truth decorations from the truth particles directly.


  • also move over the electron truth deco alg.

cc @dguest @bdong @ligang @dkobylia

Edited by Samuel Van Stroud

Merge request reports
