Skip to content Added intermediate BS output merging step

The current implementation fails to produce a single BS output file (with the name indicated b --outputBSFile) if more than 1000 events are processed at once, since then produced multiple BS files, and no merging step is currently implemented. This also results in a failure when trying to output DRAW_TRIGCOST, NTUP_TRIGCOST (dependent on DRAW_TRIGCOST), or HIST_DEBUGSTREAMMON, since the tools that produce those outputs require only one BS file to be provided as an input.

This commit addresses this issue by introducing a merging step (using file_merging, the same script that is called in bsMergeExecutor, used in and, see, to be executed if more than one BS file is produced and at least one of the output arguments that require a unique BS file is used (--outputBSFile, --outputHIST_DEBUGSTREAMMONFile, --outputDRAW_TRIGCOSTFile, or --outputNTUP_TRIGCOSTFile). The merge is very fast (~1:30min to merge 2 BS files with 1200 events each), so it doesn’t impact the transform execution times.

Edited by Jean Yves Beaucamp

Merge request reports
